Setup Rowfill in less than 5 minutes.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Git

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Configure environment variables:
    • Reference the sample environment variables in mockenv
    • Create your .env file based on the mockenv template

Third-Party Requirements

You’ll need to set up the following:

  • OpenAI API Key: Required for AI functionality
  • SMTP Service: Choose one of:
    • AWS SES
    • Resend
    • Similar email service

Note: The following services are automatically installed via Docker Compose:

  • Weaviate
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis

System Components

Rowfill consists of three main modules:

  1. Next.js Server: Main web application
  2. Worker: Background processing
  3. CRON Job: Scheduled tasks


Run the application using Docker Compose:

docker compose up -d

This command will:

  • Set up all required databases
  • Start all three system components
  • Configure networking between services


To verify your installation:

  1. Access the web interface at http://localhost:3000
  2. Check Docker container status:
docker ps

This should show all three containers running.